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Healing of backpain

Healing of a back pain

If you look at the ratio of men and women suffering from back pain, men are on the higher side. The reason is not clear. If one has to apply the psychological reason for back pain, may be men are thinking of more towards lifting the responsibility of earning or some hormones in women are helping them to endure back pain. Backbone represents the structure of life and any problem in life reflects in back pain.

Body is always healing itself. There is always  a wear and tear in all parts of body, be it muscle, cartilage or bones and the wear and tear is quickly recuperated.  When mind and body are in coordination, recuperation is automatic and without notice.  When a person is under stress, his thoughts are centered towards the problem area. Brain generates the hormones sensing the problems as perceived by mind and thus it alters the innate automatic coordination of mind and body. A repeated physical load ( or stress) can also alter the brain’s reaction similar to the falsely acknowledged or perceived by mind. That is why the back pain is faced by a person in some part of life based on how much stress is undergoing. When the thinking is improved or the perceived danger is gone, back pain is gone.

In case of mis-coordination of mind and body, as they   are not working together, when we are lifting some load our mind is thinking of something else and the back muscle get over stretched. Similarly we get so involved in our table job that we lose track how we are sitting and how long we are in that stressful situation. Time bound activity or the feeling of helplessness adds gravity to Stress.



  1. When you are mindful, that is when you are watching your mental and physical actions, you know what thoughts and physical actions are inducing stress into muscles. What postures at work are inducing stress in back? You will realize that there are different thoughts associated with where the back pain is more, upper, middle or lower. It’s interesting to be mindful and find these thoughts.
  2. Take a break when you are conscious about your stress.
  3. Do relaxation meditation to bring body to normal level.
  4. Find out how you can strengthen your back muscles. Which yoga postures would be helpful to you under your current situation? Check with your physiotherapist or yoga teacher.
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